Online proctoring has been proving its worth for a long time. Online education received industry acceptance because it had the backing of online proctoring. Colleges and universities are finding proctoring solutions essential to maintain the integrity of their remotely conducted exams. Like any other innovation, proctoring is constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated in its approach. Let us understand the strong and not-too-strong factors of online remote proctoring services.
What is Online Proctoring?

Traditional exam invigilation is taking place by online remote proctoring technologies to safeguard and enhance the quality and credibility of online education. Online education comes with great benefits but needs physical control, and hence, online remote proctoring fills this gap and provides the required control over the exam integrity for online examinations. Corporations and companies can have more faith in the skills and knowledge of students passing online exams if they have the backing of advanced technology of live online proctoring Apps.
Types of Online Proctoring
Online proctoring has many types. However, basis its practical use and the requirement of the respective institutions, it can be segregated into three main categories.
• Live Proctoring
As the name suggests, live proctored exams happen with the support of a human invigilator remotely monitoring the students using the live online proctoring platform. In the case of advanced remote proctoring companies like Proctortrack, a dashboard is also available for human invigilators to get pre-flagged alerts. Hence, if any academic misconduct takes place human proctor can swiftly intervene. Live proctoring uses the microphone and webcam to capture the movements of the test-takers.
• Recorded Proctoring
For exams with a more extensive scale and low stakes, recorded proctoring is useful. During the exam, the AI-enabled software monitors the test takers, keystroke movements, and their computers activate browser lock mode. At the end of the test, a consolidated yet comprehensive report is made available to the institution for review. Basis the recorded session and reports, the institutes can determine if any cheating has occurred.
• Advanced Automated Proctoring
Advanced automated proctoring helps the institutes conduct high stake exams without the worry of manually checking each candidate during the test duration. Artificial intelligence takes care of the invigilation and promptly sends required alerts to the human proctor for review. Functions and detection capabilities are higher in this variant. To safeguard exam integrity, traditional and advanced cheating attempts can be detected and deterred on time.
Pros of Using Online Proctoring
• Safeguard Exam Integrity

Online proctored exams are critical for institutes offering online education programs. Also, institutes having computer-based exams need to have advanced technology on their side to maintain the credibility of their courses. Educational institutions using online remote proctoring systems for invigilation get more acceptance from corporations for hiring. Companies can also get assurance that the resources they engage are knowledgeable and skilled enough to take up their professional responsibilities.
• Wider Reach For Online Learning
Indeed, online learning is a boon for teachers and students. Learning can continue beyond the limitations of geographical limits and amid any adverse circumstances. However, live remote proctoring for online exams grants legitimacy to online learning. Numerous enthusiastic students are seeking good education across the globe, but due to geographical constraints, they need help accessing capable teachers. Online education makes this possible and gives students a fair chance to perform in their exams.
• Economies of Scale
Exams where more students appear to need more sustainable infrastructure. Encouraging students to appear for exams remotely can put less stress on the physical infrastructure of the institute. Institutes can use a suitable combination of features to conduct exams and save on their budget. Keeping the exam halls equipped and deploying resources to invigilate can be a mammoth task. On the other hand, a basic technical scale-up can help educators navigate the crucial task of exams with a higher number of students.
• Convenient Alternative for Physical Exams

Convenience and flexibility are two prominent factors for considering live online proctoring. Students can be at ease and attempt their respective exams from the comfort of their homes. To save time and money for traveling to the exam hall or testing center. As students remain in the place of their choice, they feel less anxious and can focus better on the questions.
• Better In-classroom Invigilation
Most people presume that online test proctoring services are mainly for remotely conducted exams. However, online proctoring can grant a great deal of ease and advancement to in-classroom exams on computers. Even though the invigilators are present in the classrooms during the computer-based tests, they can miss detecting cheating attempts. Remote proctoring software installed on the student’s computer can work as an extension of the eyes and ears of the invigilators to make the whole process water-tight. Also, invigilators can use the dashboard provided by online proctoring software such as Proctortrack to get real-time alerts and intervene promptly.
Cons of Using Online Proctoring
• Accessibility with Weak Internet Connection Regions
One major drawback of online test proctoring services is that it needs to reach students from regions where robust internet availability is an issue. Dependency on the internet is crucial and non-negotiable today. Hence, it makes this a first-world facility that students from backward regions need access to.
• Issues Regarding Ethical Surveillance
Specific unfortunate incidences have come to light when proctoring companies while doing their monitoring, accessed and used student data and misused the same. Hence, the institutes must use proctoring software from companies like Proctortrack that complies with most authorities’ federal and regulatory requirements. Therefore, consideration for student information and privacy is critical for the proctoring solution provider as it helps students trust in using them.
Summing up: Good, Bad, and Great Aspects of Online Proctoring
Intelligent online remote proctoring software like Proctortrack is paving its niche. Institutions and students are acknowledging the benefits unanimously. Educators or administrators can choose features of their choice depending upon the scale and stakes of the exams. If one looks at the use of the solution objectively, online proctoring is essential for the sustainability of online education. Hence, irrespective of the fact that students find it invasive, it is critical to detect and deter cheating in online exams.