
Fully integrated with

ProctorAuto Level 2 delivers fully automated proctoring solution with no human intervention.

Get high quality, fast -turnaround integrity reports. Detects 17 unique testing violations.

Level 2

  • Fully Automated
  • High Quality
  • Fast Results


Fully Automated. High Quality. Fast Results. Proctorless.™

Delivers automated identity verification, data recording, and automated data analysis along with Level 1 ProctorLock features. This process ensures, strong accuracy results and faster turn around. Delivered within 6 hours.

Proctor Checkpoint available for all levels

Live pre-test on-boarding with identity verification and room scan secure

Veripass global number identity by proctortrack


VeriPass is the baseline profile for a test-taker created with Biometric scans (Face, ID & Knuckle) and includes ID verification (using a globally available identity check to protect against use of forged documents), secure data storage, training and unlimited support. VeriPass enables authentication of the data collected during real exams by comparison against the baseline profile. Customers have the option of using Veripass in conjunction with Proctortrack or use Veripass only.


New features on the mobile version:

  • Mobile Lockdown
  • Selfie ID
  • Room Scan
  • Calculator
  • Test Clock
  • Document Scan


PEBble Browser App

Secure your exams from ChatGPT & other AI Cheatbots

Proctortrack’s PEBble (Proctored Exam-in-Browser) protects the desktop and OS to
provide a fortified test environment.

Unlike ordinary proctoring solutions, which operate on conventional browsers and are vulnerable to
ChatGPT, chatbots, AI cheatbots, and AI extensions, PEBble is a standalone browser that blocks all
unauthorized applications.

PEBble offers:

Blocks access to
unauthorized chatbots
and search engines

Prevents remote casting
and unauthorized

Secures desktop and OS
from exam security

Guards against stealth
applications and

Integrates seamlessly
with video conferencing

Provides continuous
identification verification
and tech support

Security Matters

Security Matters: Google Cloud & AWS
Security Matters: Google Cloud & AWS
Security Matters: FERPA, ADA, GDPR ready
Security Matters: 2048 bit RSA

Google Cloud and AWS Storage 11-nines reliability

SOC-2 Certified compliance ensures highest data privacy
and security

FERPA and ADA ready,
GDPR Ready

2048-bit Encryption for data in transit  and data at rest

Security Matters

Security Matters: Google Cloud & AWS

Google Cloud and AWS Storage 11-nines reliability

Security Matters: SOC-2

SOC-2 Certified compliance ensures highest data privacy
and security

Security Matters: FERPA, ADA, GDPR ready

FERPA and ADA ready,
GDPR Ready

Security Matters: 2048 bit RSA

2048-bit Encryption for data in transit  and data at rest

Follow us

Over 10 million identity verification and monitoring sessions delivered.

Optimizing Community College Proctoring Efficiency | AI Chatbots, Blindspots & Data Security Covered | March 19 at 1pm EST

Certification & Licensure Test Proctoring Optimizations | AI Chatbots, Blindspots & Data Security Covered | March 20 at 1pm EST

Live Proctoring Breakthrough  | Block the Bots, Spot the Frauds Blindspot Coverage, Secure Browser & 24/7/365 Support | March 27 at 3pm EST

Download your E-Book!

Understanding and Combating Online Exam Cheating

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