How to Protect Your Business with ID Verification Tools

Remote online proctoring, remote working, identity verification,.

Businesses have been facing theft issues for a long time. People illegally access their data, hack their websites or steal their identity to buy and sell things and establish fake links with the banks. When the world was hit with a deadly pandemic last year, human interaction became limited, and everything shifted to the virtual […]

Learn How Proctortrack Improves Your Test-taking Experience

Remote test-taking. Remote proctoring allows students to take tests anywhere they can access a quiet room and a computer.

For the achievers who don’t comprise, Proctortrack is here! Exams are the most crucial part of your academic year. Be it a weekly assessment, fall or spring semesters, or high-quality, competitive exams. Every student prepares hard and sometimes goes the extra mile to make their families proud and gain an edge to their careers. In […]

Top 3 Canvas Exam Proctoring Optimizations | AI Chatbots, Blindspots & Data Security Covered | March 11 at 1pm EST

Transform D2L Exams Proctoring | Tackle AI Chatbots, Room Blindspots, & Protect Data Privacy | March 12 at 1pm EST

Top 3 Sakai Exam Proctoring Optimizations | AI Chatbots, Blindspots & Data Security Covered | March 13 at 1pm EST

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Understanding and Combating Online Exam Cheating

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